Member story: saving Crystal
Monday, February 26, 2024
TeamCare is partnered with Conifer Health Solutions, a voluntary health management program.
Conifer Health Solutions provides our members with a Personal Health Nurse to help them with serious medical conditions. Crystal, a TeamCare member, shares her story:
Dear TeamCare,
My name is Crystal, and my husband has been driving with ABF for over 30 years. I’m writing to say how glad I am for having TeamCare and Conifer because now I have the support of a wonderful Personal Health Nurse named Chenoa. I am so grateful that she has been there to help me in so many ways.
I started talking to her after being diagnosed in September 2017 with sarcoidosis – a condition where collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) grow in the body. It’s most commonly found in the lungs, but it can also affect other organs. Imagine one day, going along with all your day-to-day activities as a 47-year-old mother of 4, when you start having severe stomach pain.
I thought my pain might be gallbladder-related. After several MRIs, CT scans, and multiple ER visits later, my gallbladder was removed. They also found I had sarcoidosis in multiple organs, muscles, lymph nodes, and my vocal cords. I was also diagnosed with non-alcoholic cirrhosis in my liver and had diabetes. That’s right – this all started with severe pain in my stomach. That’s pretty scary.
Luckily, Chenoa helped me navigate everything. We discussed the steps needed for me to get healthy and get back to my life with my family. I was admitted and released to the hospital multiple times, went through a battery of tests, and she helped me find excellent providers to treat my condition.
Conifer and Chenoa were the link between me and my doctors. She was able to schedule doctors’ appointments, get me infusions, and helped with my prescriptions. She even helped me schedule my therapy to make sure my mental state was healthy. This was very important to me and my husband since going through all of this took a toll on me emotionally. I didn’t know what was going to happen with my health from one day to the next.
I was ready to give up. I was literally waiting in the ER when Conifer stepped in with a direct admit order so they could begin surgery to remove 500 CC’s of fluid off around my heart. Fast forward to March 2023: I was eligible for gastric sleeve surgery. I’ve lost 70lbs, am now off insulin, and feeling much better!
I wouldn’t be here today without Conifer and Chenoa. I am now enjoying a full and purposeful life with my family! I’m beyond grateful and know I can count on Conifer and TeamCare.
Thank you! - Crystal